Monday, January 10, 2011

Livin' in the Bergs...

What an incredible day at sea.  We had several presentations by the
specialists on the trip, e.g. sea life in Antarctica, icebergs, etc.  This
evening we sailed through a field of icebergs-huge ones.  Some bigger than
the one that took out the Titanic.  One berg had a group of over 100 Adelie
penguins riding on it.  The table bergs were truly impressive.  Adding the
icing on the cake were dozens of fin and humpback whales surrounding the
ship.  We were seeing as many as 6-7 plumes at a time as the whales breached
to get air before sounding.  The sea life on South Georgia Island was
unbelievable, but the ice and whales are what we came to see and let us know
we are not only in the Antarctic Convergence, but are in Antarctica itself.
It should only get better from here.  More later!


  1. The "icing on the cake" for my Alaska trip last summer was seeing the humpbacks bubble net feeding. Hope you get to see that down there! Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Hi Tom and Tena,
    How exciting it must be to witness God's marvelous creatures so closely!
    Praying for your safety and enjoy every moment!
